Healthy sleep – the energy
that powers our lives!

We spend one third of our lives asleep. This is precious time in which our bodies and minds regenerate and recharge.

Refreshing sleep is a basic need, essential for recuperation and performance in our daily lives. When we sleep, we are in the middle of an active process, in which changes important for rest are taking place in our brain and body functions, despite being detached from our surroundings. Alongside physical regeneration, the main function of sleep is to allow the brain to process the impressions of the previous day. We sleep so that our brains can sort and store the information we took in during the day, and delete anything unnecessary to make space in the brain for new things. Sleep is as important for our emotional lives as it is for our memories.

How much sleep 
do we need?

The sleep duration needed to be rested and refreshed is highly individual and depends on the person’s age. New-borns sleep for 16-18 hours out of 24, and small children for 12-14. The total sleep duration decreases continually from childhood into adulthood. Adults sleep for an average of 7-9 hours per night and men sleep a little less than women. The oft-voiced opinion that older people need less sleep is only true in certain cases. Older people may often sleep for only five to six hours at night, but often take several small naps during the day, which means they mostly have a total average sleep duration of 7-8 hours.

Sleep yourself healthy!

The minimum sleep duration necessary for a given individual cannot be reduced without a decline in restedness. Even small, daily reductions in the sleep duration will lead to the indi-vidual gradually becoming less rested. This is mostly exhibited as irritability, tension, lethargy or reduced performance and ability to concentrate. If sleep is not restful over an extended period, it can become a risk factor for non-communicable diseases like type 2 diabetes, obe-sity or cardiovascular diseases. Insufficient or qualitatively worse sleep is also a risk factor for various mental disorders such as depression and burnout.

Influencing factors
for healthy sleep

However important our slumber time is, how rested and competent we are on waking up and how well we sleep are all affected by various factors. As well as regular exercise, a balanced diet, managing stress and relaxation, we can take other measures to boost our sleep quality.

Tips for a
refreshing sleep

The Sleep Medicine Clinic (KSM) and the “get some sleep” campaign of the GORILLA health promotion programme run by the Schtifti Foundation provide various tips for a refreshing sleep. These are particularly aimed at people who are essentially in good shape after a night’s rest and only occasionally suffer from sleep problems.

The 4 golden rules for a refreshing sleep
Sleep tips

Give people more sleep, and they will be more
when they are awake.

Kurt Tucholsky

News on the subject

  • A refreshing sleep despite corona

  • Sleep well despite the heat

  • Power napping: a brief nap to counteract stress

  • Less is more: dealing with sleep problems

  • Sport and sleep – how exercise can help you fall asleep

  • The meaning of dreams

  • Relaxation – the magic bullet for wellbeing and good sleep

  • Mental health in competitive sports – we are all only human

  • Bild einer stark befahrenen Autobahn in oranges Licht getaucht.

    Noise – a silent health hazard?

    • Test

      How well do you sleep?

      Maybe you already know. If you are unsure, this test can help you. You only have to answer four questions.

    • Question 1

      Do you have a regular sleep pattern?

    • Question 2

      Do you have one or more bedtime rituals?

    • Question 3

      Do you feel fit in the morning after waking up?

    • Question 4

      Do you generally make sure that the temperature in your bedroom is around 15°-18°?

    • Well, does this situation look familiar?

      Tiredness, exhaustion and an irregular sleep pattern are not foreign concepts. But it’s great that you’re getting to grips with the subject of sleep here. You have already taken the first step towards a restful, refreshing sleep – congratulations! Take a look at our tips and tricks and try to put at least one of them into practice this evening. Every change – however small – is important, and good for your health! Good luck, and goodnight!

      Okay, there is still room for improvement regarding sleep here.

      Don’t worry if you already pay attention to a few small things. Your sleep quality will still improve. Take a look at our tips and tricks for restful sleep and try to put them into practice. Start this evening! Every change – however small – is important, and good for your health!

      It’s good you’re here!

      A few things to do with sleep seem to work well for you, but some others could be improved. Take a look at our tips and tricks for a refreshing sleep, try to put them into practice, and hopefully you will soon find that your quality of sleep has improved.

      That's great. You’re a sleep pro! Well done!

      Maybe you will find something in our tips and tricks for a refreshing sleep that you could integrate into your daily life in future. Have fun and sleep well!

      Wow, you really are rested and refreshed! Congratulations!

      You seem to be able to create excellent conditions for sleeping. Be proud of yourself and keep up the good work!

    Tips and tricks

    Get used to a regular sleep pattern.

    Bedtime rituals such as toothbrushing, listening to music, reading for 10 minutes or re-laxation techniques like breathing exercises all promote falling asleep.

    Make sure that your bedroom is well ventilated before going to bed, or leave the win-dow open overnight

    Make sure that the temperature in your bedroom is between 15 and 18 degrees Cel-sius.

    Have you been lying awake for some time? Do you find it difficult to go to sleep and/or sleep through the night? Or do you not feel refreshed in the morning, are you often listless and ex-hausted during the day? Then talk to your doctor about your sleep problems and get some help. You are not alone!

    About a quarter of the Swiss population have direct experience of sleep problems and every tenth person in Switzerland suffers from a sleep disorder serious enough to require treat-ment. Get help early and take care of your sleep – the most important source of rest and re-freshment!

    What’s available in Zug Canton

    • Sleep medicine centres

      Zug Canton does not have its own sleep medicine centre. The nearest approved sleep clinics are in Lucerne and Zurich. If you suffer from sleep problems, or fatigue or exhaustion despite sufficient sleep, it is advisable to seek help and analyse your sleep with professional help.

      Approved sleep medicine centres
    • References
      Barling, J., Barnes, C. M., Carleton, E. & Wagner D. T. (2016).
      Work and Sleep: Re-search insights for the workplace. (1. Aufl.). New York: Oxford University Press.
      Klinik für Schlafmedizin (KSM):
      Pohl, E. (2015).
      Karrierefaktor guter Schlaf - Wie sie sich zu Höchstleistungen schlummern. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
      Schmal, J. (2015).
      Ausgeschlafen? – Gesund bleiben im Schichtdienst für Gesund-heitsberufe (1. Aufl.). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.